most of u probably think that spm is the end of everything... well, how wrong u are. it's the start of a whole new something. a whole new world full of possibilities, responsibilities and a whole lot of "i have no idea..." coming out from ur mouth.
thus, comes this question, passion or talent?
i obviously seek the answer from an old wise friend of mine, let's call her H because i think she'd kill me if she finds out that i called her old... but she really is old though. lol. =D
H told me this grandma story of hers... Last time her son was so into rubik's cube. (told u she was old..)

but he has no talents at all... NADDAAAA~ he's IQ is like... below average i think. but he never gives up. he surfed up for the solutions on the internet and everyday he learned new techniques to solve that damn cube. Look at him now... even if u blindfold him, he can still solve it. this proves that passion can beat talent anytime...
so, to all of u dear readers who is currently unable to make a decision for ur future, think about wat i just wrote. hopefully it might help. and if u dont have passion for anything... i must say, that's just sad...
until next time, chaow~