Saturday, February 26, 2011

Useless Friend

Hey guys, to be honest, i am a very USELESS FRIEND! why? because i don't remember MOST of my friends punya BIRTHDAYS! bukannya sengaja nak lupa actually, but my mind is set into thinking that birthdays are not that important~ =S
Don't get me wrong though, my birthday IS important tau! hehehe... hypocrite betul right? =_=;;

Recently, i discovered that i've MISSED one of my close friends punya birthday... Farahiyah Alyani Basir... I'M SUPER DUPER TRULY GILER2 SORRY!!! serious tak sengaja! sebab semalam tak check out facebook... i hope u can forgive me someday~ ='(

Happy Belated Birthday, Farah!
Love u lots! <3

Friday, February 25, 2011


Finally!!! i'm out of the house!!! yes, that's right! i've started working... since yesterday actually~ at my mom's office.. as a data entry clerk, no less~ =_=;;

Anyway, there's a couple of things i'd like to share with ya'll...

1. My mom is like the big boss there, so, mula-mula me and my mom plan nak keep our relationship a secret, so that nobody treats me like a princess~ (ehem ehem... =S) TETAPI... tengok-tengok, the 1st day jer, satu office dah tau i'm her daughter... they were all like,"ni lar anak BOSS~" aiyaaaaa.... =_=;;

2. Hampir SEMUA orang dalam office tu ingat saya baru habis SPM. some even thought i'm younger than that! MWAHAHAHAHA!!! AWET MUDA BETUL! maybe sebab selalu SENYUM kut~ *blush blush* =D

And then my mom pun mula lar embarrass me by telling her friends that saya ni, dengan budak-budak form 2 pun boleh jadi kawan baik~ =_=;;

 3. Actually, dah lama dah saya tak bergaul dengan laki... since i couple dengan Has, which is like 2.5 years... ( lama kan? =D ) because saya takut dia jealous~ But dekat office ni, yang sama batch dengan saya ada 1 perempuan and 7 laki, jadi, terpaksa lar bergaul dengan laki... time bergaul tu, baru lar NOTICED my skills nak layan laki dah BERKARAT giler2!!! dulu, senang jer nak hang out dengan guys, everyday pulak tu! sekarang, i have to THINK HARD in order to come up with a good reply! gila sedih right?!?! ='(

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Liar Liar

Teacher : What does your father work as, Max?
Max : He's... a LIAR.
Teacher : A LIAR? owh~ i think u mean a LAWYER?
Max : Yea... that too...

A short dialog taken from the movie, Liar Liar. ( it's a GREAT movie btw! =D )

If i were to replace Max in that dialog, it would be something like this...

Teacher : What does your mother work as, Aina?
Aina : She's... a LIAR.
Teacher : A LIAR? owh~ i think u mean a LAWYER?
Aina : Nah... i really do mean a LIAR... and a BAD one too~

Seriously~ my mom is the WORST LIAR ALIVE! for example, i SUPER DUPER hate it when she travels to Kelantan with my stepdad... (it's his hometown) because i freaking hate my stepdad! thus, my mom feels the need to LIE to me whenever she's planning to go there~ 

Mother : Mama pergi outstation tau esok~
Aina : Outstation dekat mana?
Mother : Keee....uantan~
Aina : =_=;; Kuantan ker Kelantan?
Mother : Kuantan, Kelantan... sama jer~ *buat muka innocent*
Aina : Mama buat apa dekat sana? (pura2 tak tau dia tengah tipu... =_=;;)
Mother : Ada lar~
Aina : Ada APA lar?
Mother : Mama kena bagi award dekat sana~
Aina : Award apa?
Mother : Award macam2 tu lar~ Aina plan nak buat apa esok? (tukar topic : the ultimate HINT dia tengah menipu!)
Aina : *sigh*

Aiyaaa... ada jugak mak macam ni dalam dunia~ =_=;;

Thursday, February 17, 2011


YES! I think i'm slimmer now! the story actually begins with me, accidentally found my favorite old skirt back. i bought this skirt when i was 14 years old in Los Angeles. I wore it ever since, up till i was 18... (because it's my SUPER FAV skirt!!! =S)

Somehow, after i entered college, i COULDN'T fit into it anymore... (serious.. ask my roommates~ =S) so, i left it at home... ='(

But yesterday... 


This OBVIOUSLY proved that i am NOT "BUNCIT" anymore!!! =D

SEE! totally FLAT!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!! ( ke-PERASAN-an tahap MAXIMUM! =_=;; )

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Prison Break!!!

For those who don't know me that well, i am a HUGE FAN of Prison Break!!! and right now, i'm having yet another Prison Break MARATHON! I've already had this marathon 3 times!!! gila right?!?! tak tidur satu malam trying to finish up 1 season! unfortunately, there's only 4 seasons~ aiyaaa... kenapa lar producers dia nak habiskan series ni cepat sangat! kejam~ ='(

Anyway, for those who have never heard of Prison Break before... i recommend u try watching it~ it is by far the BEST TV series i've ever watched! it's a LITTLE violent though... but MAN UP! it's worth it! =D

And hero dia pun HOT giler!!! My FANTASY husband! =S
AFTER Has ofcourse~ ( hehehe... i'm not lying ok! =D )

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Sometimes, i don't appreciate all the little things that u do... but u always say,"thank u, sayang!" whenever i do stuffs for u and say how lucky u are to have me as your girl...

Sometimes, i complain about your negative personalities... but u tak pernah complain anything about me although most of my personalities are negative...

Sometimes, i don't trust u (well, actually, most of the time.. =S)... but u tak pernah stop trusting me even when i go out with other guys...

Sometimes, i PMS dengan u, benda kecil pun boleh marah giler2... but u tahan jer, thinking that this is a part of woman's nature...

Sometimes, i insult your looks... but u tak pernah insult my looks, instead, u always call me 'Beautiful' everytime we meet...

Sometimes, i tak faham kenapa u rarely belikan i stuffs... but i tak pernah terfikir, u puasa setiap hari dekat college u because u nak kumpul duit just to balik KL and date dengan i...

Sometimes, i wish u were somebody else... but u always say,"u're the best girlfriend i could ever ask for!"

Has, i know i've been the worst girlfriend in the world... but no matter what happens, i hope u'll always be able to withstand my imperfections... because someday, when i've become a better person, i want to be your wife and stay by your side forever... i'll always love u, Has... Happy Valentine's Day, Sayang!!! <3

Thank u for the present, Has! I LOVE IT!!!  =D

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Love #2

I suddenly recalled back the old days when i was "hitting" on Has (yea.. that's right, i'm the one who started the flirting~ kalau nak tunggu budak tu start, sampai dah habis sekolah pun sure tak start2 lagi... =_=;;) so, i'm gonna share with ya'll a few examples on how to FLIRT~ (this is for those yang selalu tanya saya macam mana nak dapat boyfriend, a.k.a. budak2 JPA... =P)

1. Pinjam buku2 dia. Make it a DAILY routine. for example, when i was in form 4, i always asked him to bring 1-2 text books for me (sure dia ingat,"budak ni macam tak ada text book sendiri jer..." =_=;;)... konon-kononnya my bag berat sangat lar~ =S
that way, u get to see him TWICE in one day! time ambil buku and time pulangkan... and maybe time pulangkan tu, ajak ar dia walk home together~ (gedik tak?) =D

2. Ajak dia main FUTSAL! or any sports would do... time form 5, dah tak malu sangat dah dengan dia, so, everytime my friends nak main futsal, saya pun ajak lar dia and kawan2 dia join sekali... senang giler nak menang kalau main dengan dia! whenever he defended against me, dia terus malu2, (takut body contact kut... =S) and automatically, i got the ball lar~ =D
time main futsal dengan dia, for some reason, he always SLIPPED and FELL! (padahal floor tak licin pun... =S) my roommate bagi theory,"maybe time tu dia dah FELL inlove with u... " Aiyaaa... love must really hurt... =_=;;
My theory pulak,"maybe aku LAWA SANGAT sampai dia hilang focus and terjatuh!" MWHAHAHA!! =D

3. Once u feel like the guy is starting to like u, u make him JEALOUS! befriend with LOTS of guys! this will make him be a little more protective over u! (bes~) =D

So, yea... i only have 3 tips~ sorry lar... saya tak lar 'pro' sangat~ =S

Friday, February 11, 2011

7 Things You Don't Know About Me

1. I am NOT rich... (how could u guys think i'm rich lar~ =_=;;)

2. I DIDN'T dye my hair.. it's naturally brown... (my mama don't let me dye...)

3. I have FOUR instead of three siblings... due to the sudden birth of Ally Sky~ =S

4. I have 8 STEP siblings... (because my mom is married to a dude with 8 kids... =_=;;)

5. Based on number 4, yea, my parents are DIVORCED... (Ally Sky is still considered as my sibling because she's "my sister from another mother"~ =S)

6. I LOVE spending my money on my friends... it's not like i'm "buying" my friends or something like that, it's just that, that's the only way for me to show my appreciation towards them... (because i CANNOT show it with words... =S)

7. I could stand infront of a mirror for HOURS! (no joke~ +.+)

(hehehe... that fact kindda reminds u of that witch from snow white eh? =S)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Follow Me


My Collection

Unlike others, who collects stamps, coins and all of those stuffs... i collect Has's SMSs!!! =D
Well, only the romantic ones ofcourse... (which means, my collection ni memang SIKIT!) because Has is not the "romantic" type of guy... *sigh*

SMS #1
It's kindda memeningkan to be with u... (aiyoo... where got lar~ this is embarrassing.. =S) I kena satisfy u and stuff... I nak make u happy and u pun tau we're very different... so, that makes it harder... sometimes menyusahkan... but all of that is worth it.. it would be great if I could be yours and u're mine without hurting u at all... kadang2 tu, tengok u senyum and manja2 jer dah enough to make the pening go away...

SMS #2
My definition of Heaven is just earth, but only u and me on it.. then i can be with u every second because i don't have any other responsibilities... 

SMS #3
(ni time break up.. tapi break up sekejap jer~ hehehe... =S)
Aina, everytime u're around me, u make me happy... My heart keeps on saying i need u but my mind says that i tak suka kena marah selalu.. (saya kuat jealous~ +.+) That's the only thing yang i tak suka, everything else is just human nature... i know i've always blamed u for everything but the truth is, i'm too ego to admit it's my fault... and u're too loving and caring to just forget about my mistakes and be in my arms.. (hehehe... BANGGA! ^.^) Your love towards me was strong, but my perangai has weakened it... eventhough i treat u like shit and everything, i tak pernah hate u... I'll always love u, Aina...

So yea... i only have 3 collections... =_=;;

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


It's hard to be a malay with a chinese-looking face... EVERYWHERE i go, there is bound to be atleast one chinese dude who will speak chinese with me... and i'll reply,"I'm a Malay..." (the same reply i've been using for 10 years now... =_=;;)
Sometimes, bila dah malas sangat nak reply, saya pun buat2 faham jer lar... (by NODDING~ =S)

So, let's make a list of what makes me a Malay and what makes me a Chinese... (Inilah akibatnya apabila seseorang itu "tak ada kerja lain"... =D)

1. The NOSE! it's quite big and a lil' bit round-ish~ 
2. The LIPS! it's thick!

1. Definitely the EYES! SEPET!!! =S
2. The EYEBROWS! so damn thin!
3. The SKIN TONE! yellowish~ 

So, there u have it... those features are what makes me a CHIN-LAY~ =D


Bila hati saya tak tenang and Has dah tidur, saya pun update lar blog~
Kadang-kadang, saya sedih bila mak saya pilih kasih... memang OBVIOUS sangat lar dia sayang Walid lebih...
Nak bukti ker?

Proof #1
Saya dapat Honda City jer...

Walid pulak dapat Mercedes SLK

Proof #2
Saya dapat Dell Inspiron jer... (dah lar beli dekat China pulak tu... =_=;;)

Walid pulak dapat Dell XPS yang berharga RM6000

Proof #3
Saya dapat Longines yang berharga RM2000 jer...

Walid pulak dapat Omega yang berharga RM7000

Proof #4
Saya dah 2 tahun guna phone sama... Nokia N86 8MP...

Walid pulak, sepanjang 2 tahun itu, dia dah dapat 2 phone... Nokia N97 and Blackberry Torch

Proof #5
Saya dapat RM100 jer setiap minggu.. lepas complain (banyak giler kali!) baru lar dapat RM150...

Walid pulak, tak payah complain apa2 pun... setiap minggu dapat RM300! Dah lar dia makan minum dekat rumah! saya ni tinggal jauh daripada rumah, makan minum kena tanggung sendiri! 
Patut lar dompet dia sentiasa TEBAL! tak pernah kurang daripada RM500

Disebabkan "proof-proof" di atas, kadang-kadang, saya rasa macam saya ni ADOPTED... tapi, muka saya dan Walid hampir sama kut... ramai yang kata kitaorang ni macam TWINS... =_=;;
So, kenapa mak saya macam ni lar~ ='(

Monday, February 7, 2011

7 SIMPLE Ways to Look Beautiful

1. Wear a FUN HAT! 
(if u're not confident with your hair)

2. Wear a FUN SCARF!

3. BLUSH UP your cheeks!

4. Do the "LAZY" hairstyle!
(it's full name : I just woke up and i'm too LAZY to brush my hair~)

5. AVOID eye makeup!
(especially if u're not a "pro"... It will ruin your natural look...)

6. Wear T-shirt and Jeans!
(if u're not in the mood to dress-up)


Try it out, ya'll! and have fun trying! =D