Friday, March 18, 2011


Aina : Ma... kenapa Has tak romantic?
Mama : Buat apa kau nak laki yang romantic? later he cheat on u, then only u know~ laki macam Has tu baik~
Aina : Ok... he doesn't have to be romantic all the time, just once in a while lar...
Mama : Ok ok, mummy understands... Aina nak apa? roses?
Aina : Yep..
Mama : Nanti mama beli roses and bagi dekat Has and then suruh Has bagi dekat Aina, ok? *muka innocent*
Aina : =_=;; tak apa lar, Ma...

Ini bukan roses from Has, ini roses my mom got from her friends on her birthday... =_=;;


  1. LOL. You and your roses.
    Dari dulu tak habis-habis nak ros.
    haha. Tukar la Bunga Raya plak ke. Barula patriotik sket! haha! ;p

  2. hahaha...bangang kau!
    mesti ar tak habis-habis lg~ dr dulu tak dpt-dpt lagi! =S
