Saturday, June 25, 2011

Be Healthier By Being Happy

Hey guys! I went to the salon today and obviously i grabbed one of their magazines to pass my time. So then, i found this one interesting article in it which i'd like to share with ya'll... =)

Ways to be healthier by being happy :

a) Use your money to buy EXPERIENCES instead of stuffs. Money CAN buy u happiness if u spend it on social connectedness and vitality. We don't tend to get bored of happy memories like we do with materials.

b) Know that your partner LOVES you. DOUBTING your partner can DOUBLE the risk of heart problems. It can literally BREAK your heart... =S

c) Be THANKFUL. Gratitude plays a very big part in overall happiness. (I'm lacking of this... =S)

c) (I love this one the MOST!) CUDDLE UP! Cortisol is the hormone that floods your body when you're stressed, increasing your blood pressure and slowing down your metabolism. Hugs DROP cortisol level! True story! =D

Cool huh? I dunno about u guys, but i do not know any of these facts up till just now and i find them to be very useful, since now, we actually have a medical reason to randomly hug people~ =)

......OR animals~ u know, whichever works for u~ =S

1 comment:

  1. BHAHAHHAHA !! hari tu aku nak peluk kau ,kau kata geli lar pelik lar apela. nanti kite tido aku peluk kau ea. Aku nak increase my metabolism so I can be kurus ! =D
